Earls Bar Prep Manual

7 STIRRING A COCKTAIL BARTENDING TECHNIQUES 2A A stirred cocktail is a drink that is built in a mixing glass and stirred to completely chill the ingredients, then strained into the desired glass. This method is used for cocktails that are composed of 100% spirits like Martinis and Manhattans because it is more gentle than shaking; the result is an ice cold, crystal clear cocktail free of ice chards and aerated bubbles. 1. Always measure ingredients into a clean and empty mixing glass in order of thickness – thickest to thinnest liquid. Always measure with an approved stainless steel jigger. 2. Fill the mixing glass full with ice once all contents have been measured into the glass. 3. Slowly submerge the Bar spoon into the bottom of the mixing glass. Holding the Spoon perpendicularly between your thumb, index and middle finger slowly rotate it around the rim of the glass for 20 seconds. The glass should become cold to the touch and the ice should slightly melt diluting the cocktail. 4. Place a julep strainer over the mixing glass with the bar spoon still in the mixing glass